Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a Word of Hope.

Without hope, there is no regret. However, it's been said that "A life without regret, is a life filled with only unhappy memories." When you take into account that the general saying "Live your life without regrets." is used so commonly, it can send your mind into a tail-spin. So allow me to clarify. Hope is a very painful thing, as is love. However, the two are not only inseparable, but one hundred percent necessary. It's difficult at best to escape either one. It may even be impossible. No matter how much you delude yourself into believing your not capable of either or, there will always be the moment of truth where that little flash of hope or love shines through. True, it may be an impostor in some cases, but hell, lust isn't bad either. (Pretty fun actually.)

On that note, Lust is indeed a form of love, as is obsession, and desperation is still a form of hope. Society has a tendency to take emotions such as these, and make them seem like they're unnatural, sinful, terrible emotions to experience. The smarter or "more enlightened" portion of society realizes how natural and important these emotions are to civilization in general. Without these "negative" emotions, we wouldn't have creativity, the arts, and no ambition at all.

These realizations can't change some people's opinions though. They would much rather throw a "holy" book in your face and call them "illusions of satan" than agree that, perhaps human nature just isn't so black and white. Everything is shades of grey.
I went off on quite the tangent here, but in time you'll see how relative it all is to life itself.
An old post of mine I snagged from years ago. Consolidating all my old stuff here as well. Interesting to see what/if anything has changed. ^^

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