Friday, January 14, 2011

Meaning of Life.

Here's a few thoughts to wrap your mind around.

What is life? Let's say life is purpose. The purpose is to live.To have no purpose is to have no life.

So if you have no purpose, you have no life, and are more or less dead. So then what is death? Surely something as important as death has a purpose. So then is death also life?

Let's take a minute to think about what a soul is. Is it just a form of energy residing in an empty vessel? Does it even exist? Can a person exist without one? Are there "good" and "evil" souls?

Now, back to life. To have a purpose requires thought. So to have a life, you have to think. Perhaps life is just thought.

So then what is reality I wonder. Perhaps reality is nothing more than thought forms. What we think is what we see. What we see affects what we think. So who started the thoughts that make up our world? How can each person really say they're experiencing their own reality? How is it that it's not someone else's? Because they think as well right? Or maybe the reality they're in tells them what to think and what to believe. Each and every person in this world could be a mere figment of my imagination. Or perhaps I'm just a figment of someone elses imagination.

To think is to live. However, to live is not to think. For if you just think there is no purpose. Purpose is also action. To not act is to not live. So what actions do you take? Does it depend on your soul? Or does it depend on your thoughts?

If it depends on your thoughts, then your actions may be scripted. If it depends on your soul, then how do you define what causes you to act.

All humans act. All humans think (To a certain degree.) All living beings act, and all living beings think. Hence life being purpose and purpose being thinking/acting. But what does thinking and acting get you? Experience. Every thought you have and every action you take grants you an experience. No matter how you look at it, life becomes experience? Experience for what? When you die, will those experiences be forgotten? Or will the souls we claim we have (Or claim we have a lack of, depending on your disposition.) take the experiences to another life, or will the experiences be taken and lost with the souls in a sort of eternal river in the afterlife?

It's safe to say that experiences become memories, memories are stored and thought over. Often times memories lead to action. So memories become purpose. But to have memories requires one to live. If to live is to have purpose, and memories become purpose, then how can one live without memories, and where does one's first memory come from? Does it come before they live, in turn allowing them to live? Or does it come with life, allowing them to continue living and affecting all their thoughts and actions.

To have no memory, is to have no life. Then why do so many people attempt to destroy and repress so many of their memories, as if they're afraid or angry at them. Are we afraid to live? Angry at the life we have?
Well sure, many people have crappy lives. They should be angry or afraid right? But what is anger and fear other than thoughts? So is anger and fear life? But don't those supposed emotions cause us to shun life and squander our memories til we're nothing but rotting empty shells?

Those are some thoughts for you to think on for awhile. I'll continue these another time. There is quite a bit more to be said. Let me know what you think. (Do you think it or is someone thinking what you think for you? O.o )
Another old post.

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